Kevlar Ballistic Barriers to Strengthen the Probability of Survival

For law enforcers and soldiers, the rising sun brings the cloud of unpredicted war. The practitioners of security time and again find themselves in a situation where they risk their lives for safety of greater cause. To support the probability of their survival, ballistic armors and protective shields are constantly restructured and revamped. These barriers […]

The Past, Present And Future Of Body Armour

Though many people might take the reliability of body armour for granted at present, it was not the same some hundreds of years ago. In the past when the brave warriors stepped onto the battle fields, they had to fight with very less protective equipment than their counterparts. Due to lack of equipment many lives […]

How Electro Optical Devices are Revolutionizing Situational Awareness in Battlefield

When soldiers have better situational awareness of the battlefield and more reliable information, there is a greater chance that the information will be used effectively for strategic gains. This is the reason why so defense equipment designers are investing heavily in offering visual, night vision, geographical and enemy location data together in way that simplifies […]

How To Put On Your Anti-Bullet Vest The Right Way?

Anti-bullet or bullet resistant vest is one of the most important personal armours that protect your body by preventing penetration of shrapnel or fired projectiles into your body.With a ballistic plate inserted, this anti-bullet vest provides protection from RCC’s, handgun ammunition and FSP’s. To enjoy the benefits that this vest offers, it is essential that […]